Hi! Gettinfg directly on trick airtel still is allowing one host in blocked sims.
Apn airtelgprs.com
Proxy hidethisip.net (best with resume support)
Port 80
homepage airtelgurus.com
You cannot use this hp in any handler it might not work . However put this hp in any ovpn working configuration. Down limit is 90mb/month if used all recharge with 1rs 3mb plan from this site.
Apn airtelgprs.com
Proxy hidethisip.net (best with resume support)
Port 80
homepage airtelgurus.com
You cannot use this hp in any handler it might not work . However put this hp in any ovpn working configuration. Down limit is 90mb/month if used all recharge with 1rs 3mb plan from this site.