Equation of life

Yes, you guessed right life do have an equation.  Actually life is a combination of variables . Variables like happines in a particular hour , Tolerance to anger,  frustration,  income,  expense etc. One can initialize these and put in the equation to get the desired result.  Every day a whole new set of  random variables is generated . But the category remains constant.  Now listen,  i ain't no taking about fucking astrology  but pure and applied science basically maths. Finally the equation i am developing
Might be of great use for students (only since oldies have a set of health related variables too). This would help us find the most appropriate time to do the most appropriate thing and also predict the value of the most likely result (FUTURE LoL) . So as to keep the technical crap to myself i would be developing a program to initialize stuff and predict Output.  I would be publishing all my work once i have successfully developed and tested it on at least 10 subjects (talking scientist huh) ofcourse my  friends . Keep posted . I am on verge of exploring something since 26 days .

